On-Call Instructions
Before you can use this feature and to view your on-call schedule, you will need to have ComNet. assign your company a Login and Password. To make changes to your on-call schedule, you will also need an Administrative Login and Password to access our system.
To setup a login and password, call (765) 289-1881 or (800) 875-8118. We'll be happy to set this up for you.
To Check Your On Call Schedule
1. Open your internet browser and go to http://www.comnetmessage.com.
2. Click the Login button.
3. Enter your Login ID and Password, and then click Login.
Add a Schedule
Note: Schedule each day individually.
1. To add a schedule, press the Add button.
2. If not logged in already, enter your Operator Login Name and Operator Password; click OK.
3. Enter the starting date and time.
4. Enter the ending date and time.
5. Assign the schedule to a person from the drop-down list. (If there is more than one person on call for a specific area, you must assign an order in which they are to be contacted.)
6. Accept the schedule by clicking Accept.
7. If you want to copy this schedule to a different day, click Ok; if not, click Cancel. If copying, select the day you want to schedule and click Accept.
8. Repeat process for each person.
Edit or Delete a Schedule
Note: Schedule each day individually
1. To edit or delete a schedule, select the schedule to be edited and press Edit.
2. If not logged in already, enter your Operator Login Name and Operator Password; press OK.
3. For changes, enter changes and press Accept. To Delete a Schedule, press Delete to remove entire schedule.
Schedule Reports
To see who is scheduled for the whole month, select Reports at the schedule screen. Here you can see everyone scheduled, as well as the schedules for the last month and the upcoming month if they've been entered into the system.
1. When finished, select Logout from the left-side menu. Exit http://www.comnetmessage.com
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